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發布時間: 2023-03-16 13:04:11

⑴ win7系統32位 sql server 2008資料庫引擎服務 sqlserver復制失敗 已試過注冊表和控制面板,日誌如下

Proct: SQL Server
ID: 50000
Source: setup.rll
Version: 10.0
Component: SQL Server Native Client
Message: A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file '%.*ls'.

An attempt was made to install (or update) SQL Server Native Client on a computer where SQL Server Native Client is already installed, and where the existing installation was from an MSI file that was not named sqlncli.msi.
試圖在已安裝本地客戶端的計算機上安裝(或更新)SQL Server 本地客戶端,且已存在的安裝來自名字不是sqlncli.msi的MSI文件。

User Action
To resolve this error, uninstall the existing version of SQL Server Native Client. To prevent this error, do not install SQL Server Native Client from an MSI file that is not named sqlncli.msi.
要解決此錯誤,卸載已存在的SQL Server 本地客戶端版本。
要預防此問題,不要通過名字不是sqlncli.msi 的MSI文件安裝SQL Server 本地客戶端。

⑵ 請問SQLServer安裝完成但失敗,資料庫引擎,server復制等安裝失敗要怎麼解決
