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发布时间: 2022-11-27 11:39:45

Ⅰ 离心泵入口真空表读数增大,出口压力表读数减小。请分析产生上述现象的故障及原因,并提出处理办法


Ⅱ 水喷淋系统英文翻译

One. Overview: The water spray system in support of the main ports of the reactor is expected machinery, ship unloader, and so on the track hanging. The main materials used to remove the pile, unloading, transport equipment in the course of covering the surface of st, st and so on. II. How it works: water spray system by the tanks, single-stage centrifugal pumps, piping, valves manually, one-way valve, pressure gauge, the level gauge glass, solenoid valves, such as the composition of the nozzle. Of the water spray system has three spray, a water tank with high and low level, low-level cease to be the first centrifugal pump, and then quickly connected to the joint, open water solenoid valve (1), the water began. High-level pay off solenoid valve (1), the water stopped. Ship unloader to work, when the hopper is expected to reach great time to open solenoid valve (4), began to spray nozzle to suppress st. When the material arrived straight away when the tube closed solenoid valve (4) and at the same time open the solenoid valve (2), began to spray nozzle to suppress st. When the materials reach the discharge belt machine shut down when the solenoid valve (2) and at the same time open the solenoid valve (3), began to spray nozzle to suppress st, after the closure of the solenoid valve (3). The entire work after the end of the cycle should be based on the work of each cycle between the time the decision to shut down and restart the pump, in general, such as the work of each cycle in more than 10 minutes to stop centrifugal pump, in 10 minutes, then do not have to Centrifugal pump to stop. III. Technical parameters: 1. Single-stage centrifugal pumps: Model ISW65-250, traffic 25m3 / h, head 80m, electric power 15Kw, 415V/50HZ; 2. Pressure system: 0.8Mpa; 3. Flow system: 416.7L/Min ; 4. Nozzle: 32; 5. Tank capacity: 2m3; 6. Float liquid level controller: pressure 1Mpa, voltage 110V, contact capacity 200VA; 7. Solenoid valve: voltage 110AC 50HZ. IV. Debugging: the work before the ship unloader to check on the tank glass of water level, low-level water tank to be filled water, and then to see the front of the centrifugal pump cut-off valve is open, if opened should open the valve Centrifugal pump in order to avoid damage. Ship unloader at work to open centrifugal pump, the medium through a non-return valve, spray pipelines to reach each point, when the expected spray reach the point when the solenoid valve to open at the beginning of spraying water st. Spray in each of the points are setting the solenoid valve by-pass valve for the purpose of the spray at the point when the damage to the closure of the solenoid valve solenoid valve before and after the throttle valve, in parallel to open the throttle, spray can point to normal , At the same time can be solenoid valve repair. Float on the water tank equipped with two liquid level controller, when the water tanks in low-level, low-level alarm float controller, the staff should be open water solenoid valve (1) to start adding water. When the water tank in high-level, high-level controller float sender to close the water solenoid valve (1) to stop adding water. In the system of setting the lowest drainage valve for release before the winter to make the water system. Water tank located at the bottom of the drainage valves (ball), for emptying the water in the tank. In the funnel large platform feeder vibration adapter I expected the Department set up a flushing device, by the ball, rapid joints, hoses, composed of high-pressure water jets. Need to use the washing device should be open centrifugal pump. (A) the use of pump pressure: pressure pumps form chart: 1. Start-up operation: a) hand-FAN BLADE Bozhuan motor, impeller should be no card mill, rotating flexible; b) set by hand pump in order to move lubricating fluid Into the end mechanical seal; c) the exhaust water, open the valve of imports, so full of liquid into the cavity pump until the entire pipeline is full of liquid and ensure the import of seal pipeline; d) the closure of the export valve to rece the starting current; e) to connect power, determine the starting point in the right direction, from the motor FAN BLADE depends on for clockwise rotation; f) to graally adjust the export of the valves open, as far as possible so that the pump's rated the work of state; g) the operation of the pump in the process of Found an unusual noise or sound, immediately inspect stopping; h) normal mechanical seal leakage should be less than 3 drops / min, electrical inspection, the Department bearing temperature rise of <70 ℃, more than the value of the reasons for inspection; i) Access to power, and then graally to normal rotor tube spit on the road to open the valve, the valve in the closed, the pumps working hours in a row can not be more than 10 minutes. 2. Stop: a) spit shut down pipeline valves; b) cut off power to stop motor run; c) close the valve of imports; d) If the ambient temperature below 0 ℃ or pump out the long-term, should pump out water .

Ⅲ ihf氟塑料离心泵结构特点


Ⅳ 离心泵前端又负压罐抽不上来水是什么情况

咨询记录 · 回答于2021-08-02

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Ⅵ 立式多级离心泵为什么能叠压供水即利用前端来水压力



Ⅶ 如何将离心水泵改装成自吸离心泵,如何


Ⅷ 水泵前端阀门关闭的情况下水泵运转电机会烧吗


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Ⅹ 离心泵泵体常见的结构有哪几种

离心泵泵体是泵结构的中心,也叫蜗壳或泵壳,其型式也比较多。 1、水平剖分式 这种型式的泵壳是在通过轴心的水平剖分面上分开。拆卸泵壳时与吸入、排出管道无关,维修比较方便。 2、垂直剖分式 这种型式的泵壳是在垂直轴心的垂直面上剖分,不易泄漏,但在维修时必须拆卸进口管道,所以维修不如水平剖分式泵壳方便。 3、倾斜剖分式 这种型式的泵壳是从前端吸入,上面排出,泵壳在通过轴心的倾斜面上剖分,不拆卸吸入和排出管道,只拆开上半部,泵壳即可检修内部。 4、筒体式 这种型式的泵是把泵壳制作成筒体式的,对于压力非常高的泵,用单层泵体难以承受其压力,所以采用双层泵体。筒体式泵壳能承受较高压力,其内安装水平剖分式或 垂直剖分式的转子,在化肥装置中高压的锅炉给水泵多是筒体式多级离心泵。 若按泵壳的支承型式可分为标准支承式、中心支承式、悬臂式、管道式、悬挂式。 1、标准支承式 这种型式的泵,一般是卧式,在泵体两侧带有支脚,支脚用螺栓固定在底座上。 2、中心支承式 这种型式的泵,泵壳下侧的支脚安装在底座上,可适应输送高温流体而造成热膨胀应力的影响。 3、悬臂式 这种型式的泵,泵壳是一整体,并将泵体与吸入盖的组合件安装在轴承托架上。结构紧凑,拆卸方便。 4、管道式 这种型式的泵是作为管道的一部分和管道联接在一起的,并由管道支承。检修时,不需拆下与管道联接的泵体,就可以检修离心泵的转子和电动机。 5、悬挂式 这种型式的泵是泵壳装在排出管道上,泵壳在排出管以下部分悬挂在吸入容器上,泵壳是垂直剖分式的。