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发布时间: 2023-08-29 23:50:24

A. 织梦系统(dede)支持sql2000吗



mssql_bind -- Adds a parameter to a stored procere or a remote stored procere
mssql_close -- Close MS SQL Server connection
mssql_connect -- Open MS SQL server connection
mssql_data_seek -- Moves internal row pointer
mssql_execute -- Executes a stored procere on a MS SQL server database
mssql_fetch_array -- Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
mssql_fetch_assoc -- Returns an associative array of the current row in the result set specified by result_id
mssql_fetch_batch -- Returns the next batch of records
mssql_fetch_field -- Get field information
mssql_fetch_object -- Fetch row as object
mssql_fetch_row -- Get row as enumerated array
mssql_field_length -- Get the length of a field
mssql_field_name -- Get the name of a field
mssql_field_seek -- Seeks to the specified field offset
mssql_field_type -- Gets the type of a field
mssql_free_result -- Free result memory
mssql_free_statement -- Free statement memory
mssql_get_last_message -- Returns the last message from the server
mssql_guid_string -- Converts a 16 byte binary GUID to a string
mssql_init -- Initializes a stored procere or a remote stored procere
mssql_min_error_severity -- Sets the lower error severity
mssql_min_message_severity -- Sets the lower message severity
mssql_next_result -- Move the internal result pointer to the next result
mssql_num_fields -- Gets the number of fields in result
mssql_num_rows -- Gets the number of rows in result
mssql_pconnect -- Open persistent MS SQL connection
mssql_query -- Send MS SQL query
mssql_result -- Get result data
mssql_rows_affected -- Returns the number of records affected by the query
mssql_select_db -- Select MS SQL database

B. 同一个服务器,不同数据库的2个织梦网站数据数据怎么调用






$cfg_dbhost = ‘localhost’;

$cfg_dbname = ‘dedecmsv56gbk’;

$cfg_dbuser = ‘root’;

$cfg_dbpwd = ‘abcdefghijk’;

$cfg_dbprefix = ‘dede_’;

$cfg_db_language = ‘gbk’;





$cfg_dbhost = ’123.456.789.123′;

$cfg_dbname = ”; 这个是数据库名称

$cfg_dbuser = ”; 这个是数据库的用户名

$cfg_dbpwd = ”; 数据库密码

$cfg_dbprefix = ‘dede_’; 这个是数据表的前缀

$cfg_db_language = ‘gbk’; 这个是数据库的编码,一定要两个DEDE站点的编码一样,如果不同就会出现乱码。



{dede:sql sql="SELECT id as tmd,title FROM `另外个站的数据库名`.`dede_archives` ORDER BY tmd desc LIMIT 0,10"}

<li><a href=https://www.xiaoyuani.com/plus/view.php?aid=[field:tmd/] title="[field:title/]" target="_blank">[field:title /]</a></li>
